31466 Hwy 200,
Ponderay, ID 83852
(208) 263-6443
(208) 858-4098 (Text)
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Call Us! (208) 263-6443
Monday to Friday 8 AM - 5 PM
31466 Hwy 200 Ponderay, ID 83852
I authorize Anderson's Autobody, Inc (TAX ID# 82-0488539, 31466 Highway 200, Ponderay, ID, 83852) to create an Initial Cost Estimate once I bring my vehicle in for inspection. I realize this will take 20-30 minutes with a professional collision appraiser or estimator. That Cost Estimate will be emailed to me within 24-72 hours. If we proceed, I authorize Anderson's Autobody to disassemble the vehicle listed above to create an Initial Repair Plan. This power of endorsement exists for payment on any check or drafts by the Insurance Company or the other paying entity listed above.
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