Lunch is on us! We'll give you a $10 coffee or lunch gift card for booking your estimate online
Now it is easier and more convenient than ever to get a cost estimate or repair appointment through Anderson's Autobody, by booking a time to come in online via your mobile phone or PC.
Day, night, or on weekends, just tap "Schedule Estimate" or "Appointment" on the bright yellow button on our website. Or you can message us or book an appointment through Google, Facebook, or BirdEye. Then, tell us at least two days and times that are best for you. We will get back to you first thing the next business day via email, text, or phone call. That way, you can plan your day - whether you're going through insurance or paying on your own.
Assuming you have contacted your insurance company, please provide in advance your claim number and insurance photo app, along with the original estimate amount and insurance payment - if you have it. We will be adding a simple form soon!
Booking online helps us get your car repair estimate and work done faster, because it allows us to plan, order parts, and schedule the work with greater precision.
To show our appreciation, we are offering local gift cards to ANY CUSTOMER (existing or new) who books online and fills out our short one-page form July 18-December 31, 2022.
No need to pick up the phone, wait on hold or drive in with these high fuel prices. Save your gas and your valuable time by going online.